OC - Introduction
One more web site rather useless, that contains a heavy load of dead links,
"in construction" sections and other classical goodies of the WWW. :-)
Nevertheless, welcome!
The "Links" page contains a set of the basic links that I consider as necessary for surfing on the net.
The "Preferences" page contains also a high number of links but they correspond to the ones
that I use constantly, that I appreciate or that correspond to my interests.
The "Cheeses" page gives you the addresses of two sites that I have created
and that are dedicated to cheeses (Camembert and other norman cheeses).
The "Rouen" page displays some of the pictures of my mother town I have taken over the years.
The "Lyon" page is dedicated to the town I am currently living in.
On the "Resume" page you will find a brief resume
and on the "Picture" you will find a photo of myself!
That's all, folks!