Objectif Lyon : 8 december light fest 

8 december

8 december light fest
2001 (1)
2001 (2)
2002 (1)
2002 (2)
2003 (1)
2003 (2)
2004 (1)
2004 (2)

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Lyon Town Hall
Lyon Town Hall

The Virgin Mary statue that now stands at the top of the Fourvière balisica should have been inaugurated on the 8th september 1852. Unfortunately, because of the weather conditions that inauguration was postponed to the 8th december 1852. Then, that very day, the weather turned to be rainy, therefore some of the scheduled fetes were canceled (even if the statue was inaugurated). Nevertheless some unhabitants decided to light small candles set on the frames of their windows to celebrate that event.


That bright idea was approved by many and it became a habit to light candles on the 8 of december. Furthermore, on the 8 december 1854, the pope proclaimed the Immaculate Conception dogma, which reinforced the strength of that tradition. This fete became slowly a very popular event in Lyon, and every citizen is nowadays supposed to light candles on the 8th december.

Lyon Town Hall
Lyon Town Hall

During the 80's the town of Lyon decided to transform that religious fete into a big event, the "Fête des Lumières" (Lights Fest) and to illuminate differently every year some of main buildings of Lyon around the 8th december.

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