Objectif Rouen : Saint Jean Eudes 

Rouen churches

The cathedral
In the cathedral
Saint-Ouen abbey
Saint Maclou
Aitre Saint Maclou
Saint Patrice
St Joan of Arc
Saint Laurent
Ursulines chapel
Saint Godard
Saint Jean Eudes

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Saint Jean-Eudes
Saint Jean-Eudes

Very few churches were built in Rouen during the XXth century : Saint Jean Eudes church in Les Sapins ( in the suburbs of Rouen) is one of them.
It has been built between 1926 and 1929 by the architect Robert Danis and the corporation Lanfry, in a mixed neo-byzantin style.
The name of the church was carefully chosen since Saint Jean Eudes is the patron saint of the large families that were numerous in the surrounding housing estates.

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