Objectif Lyon : Bas des pentes 


Voraces courtyard
Bas des pentes
Croix-Rousse houses
Saint Bruno church
Saint Polycarpe
Croix-Rousse view

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Terreaux square fountain

That traboule (12, St Catherine street) leads from the Croix-Rousse hill to the Terreaux square, that square is one of the border of the Croix-Rousse quarter.

Confection des soies

Close to the Saint-Poluycarpe church, you can admire the gate of the "Confection des soies" building, with its mulberry leaves, silkworms and its lion head. The goal of that buiding was to weigth precisely the silk fabrics at a given level of hygrometry. That implied first to dry and finally to hydrate them.

Thiaffait lane

The Thiaffait lane and the Mermet lane surround the Saint Polycarpe church.

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